Curriculum of B. Sc. in Computational Mathematics

The structure of the course for B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics is summarized by following pie chart:

Curriculum of B. Sc. in Computational Mathematics – 2019


Course Code Course Title Credits Coure Code Course Title Credits
Year I Semester I Year I Semester II
PHYS 101 General Physics I 3 PHYS 102 General Physics II 3
MATH 101 Calculus and Linear Algebra 3 MATH 103 Linear Algebra 3
CHEM 101 General Chemistry 3 CHEM 102 Inorganic Chemistry 2
BIOL 103 General Biology 3 ENGG 112 Elements of Engineering II 3
COMP 102 Computer Programming 3 COMP 116 Object Oriented Programming 3
EDRG 101 Engineering Drawing 2 ENGT 105 Technical Communication 3
ENGG 101 Project 2 EDRG 102 Engineering Drawing 2
ENGG 102 Project 2
Total Credits 19 Total Credits 21

Course Code Course Title Credits Coure Code Course Title Credits
Year II Semester I Year II Semester II
MCSC 201 Discrete Structure 3 MATH 211 Mechanics 3
MATH 201 Advanced Calculus 3 MATH 213 Analysis I 3
MATH 204 Analytical Geometry 3 MSCS 202 Numerical Methods 3
MATH 208 Statistics & Probability 3 MATH 217 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3
COMP 202 Data Structure and Algorithm 3 COMP 204 Communication & Networking 3
EEEG 202 Digital Logic 3 COMP 232 Database Management System 3
MATH 252 Math Project 1
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 19

Course Code Course Title Credits Coure Code Course Title Credits
Year III Semester I Year III Semester II
MATH 302 Matrix Theory  3 MATH 322 Combinatorics 3
MATH 304 Computational Operations Research 3 COMP 323 Graph Theory 3
MATH 326 Complex Variables 3 MATH 325 Analysis II 3
MGTS 301 Economics 3 MATH 327 Number Theory 3
COMP 315 Computer Architecture & Organization 3 COMP 307 Operating System 3
COMP 316 Theory of Computation 3 COMP 314 Algorithm & Complexity 3
COMP 311 Combined Project 1 MATH 352 Math Project 1
Total Credits 19 Total Credits 19

Course Code Course Title Credits Coure Code Course Title Credits
Year IV Semester I Year IV Semester II
MATH 402 Modern Algebra 3 MGTS 402 Entrepreneurship 3
MATH 403 Computational Statistics 3 MATH/COMP Elective Course 3
MGTS 403 Engineering Management 3 MATH 499/COMP 408 Project/Internship 6
COMP 401 Software Engineering 3
COMP 472 Artificial Intelligence 3
MATH 451 Math Seminar 2
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 12

Total Credits of 4 years: 144


Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH 431 Biomathematics MATH 433 Numeric in ODE
MATH 426 History of Mathematics COMP 478 Cloud Computing
MATH 432 Fuzzy Mathematics COMP 484 Machine Learning
MATH 404 Mathematical Modelling COMP 482 Data Mining